Jurors began deliberating on Friday in Britney Spears' trial on a charge of driving without a California license, after prosecutors mocked her defense that she considered Louisiana her home. (Poor thing)
The jury of eight women and four men went out just before noon to consider the case against Spears, which prosecutors say turns on the issue of whether she was a resident of California or Louisiana.
The case stems from an August, 2007 collision between Spears and another car in a Los Angeles parking lot as photographers trailed her, and the 26-year-old pop star could face a maximum 6-month jail sentence if convicted. Prosecutors say she would more likely face probation and a fine.
Now all I got to say is this. I'm the type of person who likes to do whatever I can to avoid conflict or problems. Why didn't she just pay the fine and plea "No contest". Then just walk away with just the fine and probation, and then avoid all of this long drawn-out jury momboe jomboe.
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