Kevin Federline will travel across the pond to join Britney Spears on tour. It means the singer can continue to see sons Jayden James, 2, and Sean Preston, 3, when she heads to Europe in June. ‘They worked out an arrangement to facilitate her being able to go on tour without having to sacrifice her ability to see the kids,’ Kevin's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan tells E! Online. ‘She'll go on tour, she'll go to the venues, but Kevin will be there with the kids. There won't be any change in the custody schedule in Europe or anywhere she is on tour.’ Both Kevin, 31, and Britney, 27, are said to be pleased with the agreement. 'Kevin is happy with how the kids are doing and he's happy that he's been able to work out an arrangement where Britney is pursuing her professional goals and Kevin is rooting for her all the way,’ Mark adds.
-Now Magazine
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