Just in case you were worried that Britney Spears couldn't possibly afford to pay all those legal bills and lead her usual swanky lifestyle—fear not. Sure, Spears' estate shelled out more than $3 million in legal fees between Feb. 1, 2008, and Dec. 31, including the $625,000 she was ordered to hand over to Kevin Federline for his family court expenses. But she had plenty left over, considering she racked up bills of $447,634 for security, $49,387 for home repairs and maintenance, $105,000 to rent her Malibu digs and $178,818 for childcare.
Other expenses that qualify Spears' status as rich: $188,556 on assistants and other employees, $285,594 in mortgage payments, $5,998 for "decorations" and $1.06 million in "miscellaneous business expenses." All told, Spears spent upward of $10 million during those 11 months.
It's good to be the pop princess.
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